Elizabeth Lee Methodist Church is a historic church located in downtown Chickamauga, GA, just 13 miles from Chattanooga, TN.
Our church was founded in 1874 during the reconstruction period after the Civil War. The main campus building (sanctuary) was built in 1913 with additional facilities acquired over the years. This includes the Lillian-Ellis Center that houses our modern worship service called The Well. As well as the Jewell Property, now known as Matthew's House that is on the corner of Gordon Street and Cove Rd. Matthew's House is home to some of our adult Sunday small groups, new Youth Center called The Upper Room, and stays busy during the week hosting a multitude of small groups and supportive community ministries.
Elizabeth Lee is a multi-generational congregation that comes together with the purpose of “Loving God with our whole heart, and Loving Others just as Christ loves us.”
We would love to help you find your home in this church! We have many groups, activities, and community events to be involved in apart from our Sunday Services. We put an emphasis on local missions, fellowship, community outreach, and passionate worship.
We would love to get to know you and your family better! Know that our arms are always open to welcome you again and again!
This is the originally built Sanctuary building with the Fellowship hall in the back. This is where we meet for our Classic Services on Sunday at 11:00 AM (also live-streamed). Our classic worship services feature an organ, piano, hymns, Choir, liturgies, prayers, and a message delivered from God’s Word that’s applicable to everyday life.
The Sanctuary is attached to the Education Building where Children’s Sunday School and Nursery meet.
The Well
The Lillian-Ellis Center, better known as The Well, is home to our Modern Worship Service Sundays at 9:00 AM (also live-streamed). Our modern worship features contemporary Christian worship music by The Well Band, a message delivered from God’s Word that’s applicable to everyday life, and liturgies that connect us to our Methodist roots.
This building is attached to the church office that is open M-TH from 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM.

ELUMC Campus Maps