Our Children's Ministries provide a variety of ways to keep kids active while helping to teach and guide them in the ways of the Christian faith! For any additional information regarding the Children's Ministries, please contact Director Dylan Queen.
A loving nursery is provided by our Nursery staff for children under 4 years of age!
Our Nursery is Available at:
9:00 AM - Modern Worship Service
10:00 AM - Sunday School
11:00 AM - Traditional Service
Sunday School
10:00AM - Education Building
(138 Cove Rd, Chickamauga)
Mustard Seeds (2yrs – PreK)
Sprouts (K – 2nd Grade)
Sycamores (3rd-5th Grade)
Kids Club
We meet Sunday evenings from 6:00 - 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall for Bible stories, worship, games, crafts, and more!
Dinner is served before at 5:30 PM.